Dominic Palarchio

Dominic Palarchio has logged a decade of Michigan Street Snowboarding with his newest video, "Character Motive". I remember Dominic as a young ripper at the local rail jams, then drawing heavy influence from the "Sooner Or Later" crew (Cameron Strand, Marie Hucal, Kevin Castanheira, etc). Earning a spot on Burton Knowbuddy's crew while still in high school and eventually landing with Public Snowboards. Dominic has a drive that is rare. He has an exacting vision and the skills both on and off the board, to bring it to life. While his fine arts sculpting career is blossoming and he is busy with gallery shows, he still found the time to make "Character Motive" last winter. Not because he is chasing a check for snowboarding, but because it's just what he's done for almost half his life and loves.

Alec Ash 5050 drop

In "Character Motive" Dominic tells the story of three friends having a great time in the Michigan streets snowboarding. The crew consisting of Alec Ash (Rome Snowboards), Brett Kulas (Public Snowboards), and Dominic are not only insanely talented snowboarders, but great friends. There is an authenticity to the trust and collaboration that cant be replicated with travel budgets and riding skills alone. These guys with careers are getting together to film snowboard videos for the pure enjoyment of seeing a trick or spot they've scouted all year come together.

Dominic Palarchio BS

I don't know how many more of these we will get, but watch this and then look back on his past work. He's light years ahead of most. Dominic has an enviable attention to detail. The giggle that is looped into the audio builds strong anticipation for a concise, but impactful contribution to Michigan Snowboard that will have replay value for another decade to come.


Alec Ash 5050

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