Adidas Shoes & Track Kit Arrival
A number of Adidas' early Fall arrivals have hit our shelves and they're just as hot as the weather outside currently is! The Adidas Lucas Puig Premiere ADV in the white/crystal/sun color way is a new addition to their line and is similar to many of the previous Lucas' releases that we've all come to love, just more technical than ever. The Adidas Matchcourt in Navy is back on our wall, seeing how sell through went last time with those shoes it's worth while to get them sooner than later for they don't last! As it usually goes as fall comes around, we've gripped another original windbreaker and track pant piece as the temperature will soon settle down. The Adidas Premiere Windbreaker Jacket and Adidas Premiere Track Pants are both new to the line and are entirely up to par with the athletic trends taking flight in skateboarding right now.