Quasi Fall Decks and Clothing
In the midst of what feels like the hottest weather we will experience this summer it's not so bad to be reminded that fall is right around the corner. For us this reminder comes a bit early, hence fall shipments taking to our floor during the mid to final weeks of August. Quasi has provided relief for us on this end recently by gracing us with the arrival of their first fall board line and apparel drop for 2016. The graphic direction in which they embody is an ever developing ordeal and has yet to cease amazement, and this line is nothing short of amazing. We've received the Quasi Woke deck in 8.125" & 8.5", the Quasi Coco deck in 8.0" & 8.25", the Quasi Fastcar deck in 8.25" & 8.5", and the Quasi Super Sport deck in 8.25" & 8.38". This is all alongside the Quasi Face tee; we have a lot of carry over Quasi apparel that is on the low right now, we'll be restocking clothing from them when we can move through the grip we already have.