187 Killer Pads Wrist Guards


187 Killer Pads Wrist Guards

Color: Black


The 187 Killer Pads Wrist Guards offer unparalleled protection and durability for skaters. Featuring an angled design that conforms perfectly to your hand, these wrist guards ensure an excellent fit. The reinforced thumb hole and palm enhance longevity, while the ballistic nylon construction with industrial-weight stitching guarantees long-lasting durability. The padded interior provides superior comfort, and the extra thick splint delivers concentrated protection at the base of your hand, where most hard impacts occur. Trusted by professionals, these wrist guards are essential for serious athletes.

Key Features:

  • Angled design conforms to hand for excellent fit
  • Reinforced thumb hole and palm increase longevity
  • Ballistic nylon with industrial-weight stitching ensures durability
  • Padded interior provides increased comfort
  • Extra thick splint gives concentrated protection at the base of the hand

Protect your wrists with the 187 Killer Pads Wrist Guards – designed for durability, comfort, and maximum impact protection.
